Abdominal Exercise

Many people are bothered by lower back pain. The pain can be the result of an injury, arthritis or poor posture. No matter why the pain is there it is often debilitating. The thing that people who are not in constant pain do not realize is how much energy is taken from the person that is suffering from the pain. The pain can cause sleep deprivation which leads to the inability to concentrate and the feeling of being tired. There are many things that can be done to help with back pain. One of the most effective is abdominal exercise.

Many people do not realize how much the abdominal muscles help to support the lower back. By keeping these muscles strong the back is supported more. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the abdominal area can greatly alleviate the pain. Abdominal exercise is usually done lying on your back. For some people with severe back pain getting off the floor from a laying position can be quite difficult. For these people they can begin to strengthen the stomach muscles by performing the abdominal exercise in bed. This is not as affective as doing them on the hard surface of the floor, but it can begin the strengthening process so that the person can get to the point of lying on the floor.

Another effective and joint friendly way to begin the process of strengthening the stomach muscles is through deep breathing exercises. These are exercises that can be done in any position and at anytime throughout the day. Simply sit or stand very erect and pull in the abdominal muscles as you take in deep breaths of air. Hold the breath and slowly exhale, keeping the stomach muscles held firm. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the day. The deep breathing will also help relax tense muscles that may contribute to the pain level.

A more advanced abdominal exercise is doing belly crunches. This involves lying flat on your back with your knees raised and you feet planted firmly on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and lift the head and shoulders a few inches off the ground. Hold that position for a few seconds and go back down. Repeat this for a number of times. The deep breathing can be added to the abdominal exercise by inhaling and exhaling as you rise and fall. There are many variations that can be done with this basic exercise, such as reaching your arms out in front of you between your knees as you rise. If you alternate one arm than the next over your stomach as if you are climbing a rope you will work the abdominal muscles that are higher. Repeating these simple moves in the morning and evening will help to warm your back muscles as you prepare for work or sleep. Warming the muscles through stretching also helps to alleviate the pain.

The Basics Of Pilates Exersise And Training System

The Pilates exercise and training system is a popular fitness program that is known to focus on stretching, strengthening and balancing of the different areas of the body. It makes use of a system or sets of body specific exercises that is practiced along with focused breathing patterns. The exercises also help in teaching proper breathing awareness while doing them. This fitness system also helps aid spine alignment. The exercises in the Pilates system also aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles that is more commonly known as the "core".

History of Pilates The Pilates system was first developed by a German by the name of Joseph Pilates sometime during the First World War. In the system that is now widely known by his last name, the aim was to help improve the rehabilitation program being provided for the returning war veterans. This type of fitness regimen was proposed the make use only of a few and precise movements. This makes it a more convenient fitness regimen especially for injured soldiers. The said fitness system makes do with more emphasis on control and form, adding a mental aspect to fitness. A primary aim then was to help injured soldiers to regain their strength as well as to stabilize some of the body's key muscles.

Mental Aspect At first, Joseph Pilates initially called this new fitness system as Contrology. The term was chosen because he believed that the new method and its exercises needed to make use of the mind more often in order to control the muscles to achieve the perfect execution and form of each type of exercise. The aim was to make the mind work closely together with the body in order to allow movements with grace and balance but with the least amount of movement possible. It is important in the Pilates system that practitioners to always pay close attention to the body as it moves when doing the exercises.

Breathing Aspect Another thing that Joseph Pilates believed is that good blood circulation is very important for having a healthy body. The blood needs to circulate properly in order for the body to function more efficiently. Good circulation helps awaken the cells in the body. Good circulation also helps a lot in getting rid of waste products in cells and tissues. These are the waste products that are usually related to fatigue.

One way for good circulation to do its work properly is through proper breathing. As the blood circulating in the body needs to be rich in oxygen and be freed of waste gases, proper breathing will allow it to do so. Pilates believed that proper breathing and good circulation go hand in hand. And because of this the practice of proper breathing is an important part of each Pilates exercise. If at one point a person stops breathing for a moment during a certain set of exercise, then it is considered as improper. The person may be doing something wrong in the said exercise.

Core Focus The Pilates exercise and training system also focuses on strengthening the group of muscles usually referred to as the "core". This group of muscles which is located in the center of the body includes the muscles in the hips, abdomen, lower back and the buttocks. The Pilates exercises focuses on building a more powerful core. This is where the body's energy is said to originate from.

All About Free Exercises To Flatten The Stomach Fast

Many people believe that in order to get their desired results when it comes to a flatter stomach, they must spend a lot of money in order to achieve their goal, especially if they have a goal to flatten the stomach fast. They may think that they need to buy an expensive gym membership so they have access to the best equipment, or they may believe that they need to hire a person trainer in order to get a flat stomach. Then there are some people who know going to a gym is not an option because of money or time, but they think that they will only get a flat stomach if they buy one or several of the many apparatuses designed for exercising the stomach.

The fact is that all of this is untrue. While going to a gym may help some people, it does not guarantee results; the same is true for all those machines and other equipment that is sold to people claiming they will get a flatter stomach by using the specific machine or equipment. The truth is that the same results can be achieved without spending any extra money, which is really good news for people who do not have or want to spend money in order to get a flatter stomach. There are many places to find free exercises to flatten stomach fast.

Among some of the most common places to look for free exercises to flatten the stomach fast is the internet which has a large amount of information regarding this topic along with step by step instructions on how to perform varies movements aimed at flattening the stomach fast. There is also the library which has many different books and videos a person can choose from and borrow without having to pay to use them. Besides finding different free exercises to flatten the stomach fast, there are several that most people are already aware of; they just need to take the time to do them. The crunch is a very popular and basic exercise designed to flatten and tone the stomach muscles. There are of course variations of this basic exercise, but for many people just being consistent with this one movement is enough to bring about results.

How much money a person spends does not necessarily equal the results that person can expect to get. It is true that if a person spends a lot of money, they may find themselves more committed to exercising since they do not want their money to go to waste, but for those that do not have the money, or just do not want to spend a lot of money, there is no reason to believe that a flat stomach is unachievable.

Exercise is not about the amount of money spent, it is about the time and dedication spent on exercising. Also, a flat stomach is a combination of exercise and diet. A person can do many exercises geared at flattening their stomach, but if they eat a lot of extra food, or fattening foods, they will not get the flat stomach they hope for.

Six Poor Stomach Exercise Habits

As with all things, there is a right way to go about working for a flatter midsection, and several wrong ways. Working out the wrong way can lead to no physical improvement or worse, serious injury. When doing stomach exercises or any other exercise, be sure to consult a professional, warm up properly, and remember the following tips.

Keep Your Knees Up When doing crunches, you want your knees to bent and your feet flat on the floor so that your knees are centered and pointed upward. Keep them centered and up, not to one side. If you drop your knees to one side, you are unnecessarily compressing your vertebrae, which can lead to a painful back injury.

Sit-Ups Traditional sit-ups actually do very little for the abdominal muscles. Even when done properly, the strain is mostly on the hip muscles. There is also the tendency to pull the torso up with the arms, which of course is not the point of the exercise. Further, when sit-ups are done very quickly, as people have a tendency to do, it is momentum that mostly forces the torso up and down, rather than any muscle groups. The crunch is a good alternative to old school sit-ups.

Straight Leg Lift Another traditional 'stomach exercise," this move actually works the lower back more than any muscles in the midsection. This is also another way to put strain on your back, possibly leading to injury.

Too Many Reps There is never a need to do more fifty reps of a stomach exercise. If fifty reps is not giving you results, doing more than that will not help wither. As you build strength, if you feel the need for a bigger challenge, try a more difficult exercise as an alternative to adding reps.

Sleeping Believe it or not, how you sleep has an effect on your stomach exercise routine. If you sleep in a position that cause back pain, it will make it much more difficult to work on your midsection in the morning. Sleeping mostly on your stomach is one of the best ways to cause back pain, as it forces your back to arch, often resulting in annoying back pain. The best way to avoid this is to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees. This will help keep your vertebrae in line, prevent back pain and allowing you work out pain free in the morning.

No Resistance All stomach exercises need resistance to be effective, whether it comes from a resistance band, an exercise ball, or just gravity. Exercises that do not use any resistance, such as standing broomstick twists, will not be beneficial to your midsection. The good news is that this particular exercise will not do any harm and is actually a good warm up for your trunk. Just do not expect it to flatten out your stomach.

Proper exercise technique is important. These are just a few tips to help you avoid wasting time and potential injury. Be sure to research thoroughly before beginning a new exercise, and always consult your physician before beginning any physical fitness routine.

Stomach Exercises To Work Off Those Love Handles

A major complaint of people who want to look more fit is belly fat. Specifically, a large number of people have trouble with "love handles." Far from lovely or lovable, these are deposits of fat that take up residence on the sides of one's lower torso, around the external oblique muscles. Traditional crunches and sit-ups will not do much for this sort of chub, as they mainly work the abdominal muscles and not the obliques. The good news, however, is that there are a few stomach exercises which specifically target the obliques, helping trim love handles. As with any new physical activity, consult a professional before beginning and be sure to properly warm up to avoid injury.

Side Bend A simple exercise, side bends are also probably the most effective method for losing love handles. Start by standing upright. Position your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lower your whole torso to one side, then back to the other. Lean only side to side, not backwards or forwards.

Torso Twist This stomach exercise is also effective at reducing love handles, and is good to do right after the side bends in your routine, as it is also done in a standing position. Again, with feet shoulder width apart, slowly twist the body to one side, then to the other. The key here is to twist from your torso, not from the hips. As much of the twisting work as possible should be done by your oblique muscles, not your hip flexors. Keep your torso upright with no bending.

Side Crunch The next two stomach exercises require you to get off your feet and lie down, preferably on the floor or other flat surface. Use a mat or towel as a cushion if you have a particularly hard floor to work with. Lie down on one side. For simplicity, let us say you are on your right side to start. Bring your right arm across your waist so that your right hand comes to rest on your left side. Touch your ear with the fingertips of your left hand, so that your left elbows winds up pointing straight upward. Lift your shoulders up off the floor while simultaneously raising your left leg to height of about twelve inches (30 cm). Contract your obliques as you do this. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lie back down. Do this for an entire set, then switch to the right side.

Seated Knee Drop First, position yourself on the floor so that you are resting on your hipbones (not sitting on your butt). You can put your hands on the floor behind you to keep yourself stable in this position. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Put your ankles together. Now lower your knees to the right. Your feet will roll on to their sides, but should remain on the floor. Continue this lowering move until your knees are about six inches above the floor. Hold for one second, then go back up and down to the left side. Move slowly and under control, using your stomach muscles rather than momentum to raise and lower your legs.

Pilates History

This physical fitness system was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. As of 2005, there were 11 million people who practiced this method regularly and there were approximately 14,000 instructors in the U.S.A.

Pilates names his method of exercise Contrology as he believed that his Pilates Method used one's mind to control the body's muscles.

The program's main focus is on the core postural muscles. These help to keep the body balanced, and these muscles also help to provide support for the spine.

Pilates exercises make a person aware of breath and the alignment of the spine. An emphasis is also placed on strengthening the deep torso muscles which are so important in helping to alleviate and prevent back pain.

Joseph Pilates first formed this method during World War I in an effort to improve the rehabilitation program that would be needed by many of the returning veterans.

He believed that physical and mental health are essential to each other. His precise movements emphasized form and control to help the injured soldiers regain their health by stretching, strengthening and stabilizing key muscles.

-The Pilates Principles- were created by Joseph Pilates to condition the entire body which includes proper alignment, concentration, precision, flowing movement, centering, control and breathing.

You can expect a Pilates session to help increase strength and flexibility, align the spine and lengthen the body. The Pilates method does not build muscle mass.

The fields of rehabilitation and fitness encourage Pilates for its focus on the lower back muscles as well as those of the abdomen.

All About Stomach Flattening Exercises

Pick up practically any magazine related to health and fitness and there is sure to be an article on stomach flattening exercises. It is no surprise, this is what people want, flatter stomachs. Why do some people have flatter stomachs then others, and what are some ways to achieve this goal? These are a few questions that come up when the subject is addressed.

To answer the first question, why do some people have flatter stomachs then others, there are a couple of very logical answers and some that are not as logical. The logical reasons are the diets of individuals, a person cannot expect to eat chocolate cake every night and still have a flat stomach. The other obvious answer to this question is what people are doing with their stomachs. Some people spend time each day doing stomach flattening exercises, while others do not, they may eat right and hope that is enough to flatten their stomachs. The next few reasons include heredity and factors such as women who have been pregnant and certain medical conditions.

The next question, what are some ways to achieve a flatter stomach then is answered by looking at what causes a person to not have a flat stomach, basically the answers to the first question. Without a doubt stomach flattening exercises are the best and quickest way to get a flatter stomach. Despite a persons good eating habits exercise is absolutely essential in getting the desired results. Good stomach flattening exercises will also combat the factors such as childbirth and heredity.

There is a variety of stomach flattening exercise available to choose from. All a person has to do is do a search on the internet for stomach flattening exercises to find many different ones. It is good to keep in mind that there is a difference between building good abdominal muscles and flattening the stomach, even though they are very similar. The person has to decide what goal is wanted for themselves. Stomach flattening exercises will generally include moves in which the person concentrates on sucking in their stomach, trying to "hollow it out" as they perform each move. If the exercise is intended to build muscle but not necessarily flatten the stomach, the exercise will not stress this point. Every exercise though will build muscle in the stomach, it is just a matter of what the person's primary goal is as they exercise and decide which exercises to do.

One thing to keep in mind as a person works on stomach flattening exercise is that the routine he or she does should include exercises that are meant to flatten each area of the stomach, and not just concentrate on one section, otherwise the person will not get the results he or she is looking for.

A flatter stomach can mean more confidence, better health and more overall strength. It is a reasonable goal to want to have a flat stomach, and is not unobtainable unless there is a specific medical reason for not being able to do stomach flattening exercises. Besides knowing which exercise will bring about the desired results, a person just needs the determination to follow through, remembering that a flatter stomach will not come overnight, it takes time, energy and dedication, but the results are worth it.